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Sharon Kayne is NM Voices for Children's Communications Director.
Mar 14 2024

Child Advocacy Group Welcomes New Executive Director

2024-03-14T09:53:16-06:00Press Releases|

New Mexico Voices for Children is pleased to welcome Gabrielle Uballez as its new executive director. Uballez is a seasoned social sector leader with over a decade of experience in organizational leadership, partnership development, program design, and racial equity. She most recently served as a program officer at Asset Funders Network, where she played a key role in advancing national and regional initiatives focused on racial and economic justice in philanthropy. She joins NM Voices on April 8, 2024.

Feb 21 2024

Supporters of Paid Family and Medical Leave say it will return

2024-04-03T16:10:43-06:00Economic Security News Coverage, Health News Coverage, News Coverage|

NM Political Report--Bill Jordan, interim co-director and government relations officer for New Mexico Voices for Children, said his organization is “deeply disappointed” in the vote that happened on the House floor on Wednesday. He said New Mexico is now a leader in investing in children getting a healthy start in life.

Feb 19 2024

Advocates for family and children say budget provides benefits for children

2024-04-03T16:09:48-06:00Economic Security News Coverage, Health News Coverage, News Coverage, Tax and Budget News Coverage|

NM Political Report--“They paid 40 percent less taxes just for making money on investments. We work for our money. They let their money work for them and they get a 40 percent discount on their taxes. It’s not fair and it doesn’t provide any economic benefit to the state,” Jordan said.

Feb 06 2024

New Mexico has the Most-Improved Tax Fairness of Any State

2024-02-06T15:13:35-07:00Economic Security Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet New Mexico now has the ninth most progressive tax system in the nation as ranked by ITEP’s recently updated Who Pays? report on tax incidence. That same report showed New Mexico as making the most progress toward tax fairness in the nation! This fact sheet explains why. (State-level data on effective tax rates by income group.)

Jan 29 2024

Income-Support Programs Show Success in Reducing Poverty in New Mexico

2024-02-06T15:17:51-07:00Economic Security Publications, Health Publications, Local Data, Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet In recent years, increases and expansions of income supports have made a big difference for families who are working their way out of poverty. When the value of these programs are taken into account it is clear that families earning low incomes are receiving the supports needed to help lift them out of poverty in New Mexico. (State-level data on poverty and labor force participation rates.)

Jan 23 2024

It’s time to limit this unfair tax giveaway

2024-01-25T14:35:52-07:00Economic Security Publications, Local Data, Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet New Mexico gives a big, unnecessary tax break to those with capital gains income. This tax break allows people to deduct 40% of their capital gains income from their state taxes, meaning this unearned income is taxed at a lower rate than the hard-earned wages and tips of ordinary New Mexicans. (State-level data on share of capital gains income by income level)

Jan 22 2024

Kids Count Data Book Focuses on Racial Equity

2024-01-23T15:51:43-07:00Economic Security News Coverage, Education News Coverage, Health News Coverage, Kids Count News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

Santa Fe Reporter--“One of the big policies that we’re excited about this year is particularly focused on Native American students and helping them to graduate, and that’s related to really making sure there is dedicated funding to support our Native students,” Wildau said. “We’re going to be really supportive of that.”

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