New Mexico KIDS COUNT County Fact Sheets
County Fact Sheets Some counties have access to a greater variety of economic opportunities and support services. By highlighting data by county, we can discover varying needs for improvement in our systems and policies. (County-level data on child population by race, ethnicity and age group, and 18 indicators of child well-being.)
New Mexico has the Most-Improved Tax Fairness of Any State
Fact Sheet New Mexico now has the ninth most progressive tax system in the nation as ranked by ITEP’s recently updated Who Pays? report on tax incidence. That same report showed New Mexico as making the most progress toward tax fairness in the nation! This fact sheet explains why. (State-level data on effective tax rates by income group.)
Income-Support Programs Show Success in Reducing Poverty in New Mexico
Fact Sheet In recent years, increases and expansions of income supports have made a big difference for families who are working their way out of poverty. When the value of these programs are taken into account it is clear that families earning low incomes are receiving the supports needed to help lift them out of poverty in New Mexico. (State-level data on poverty and labor force participation rates.)
It’s time to limit this unfair tax giveaway
Fact Sheet New Mexico gives a big, unnecessary tax break to those with capital gains income. This tax break allows people to deduct 40% of their capital gains income from their state taxes, meaning this unearned income is taxed at a lower rate than the hard-earned wages and tips of ordinary New Mexicans. (State-level data on share of capital gains income by income level)
2023 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book
NM KIDS COUNT Data Book Child well-being is slowly improving in New Mexico, thanks to investments by our lawmakers. This annual report provides data on numerous child well-being indicators related to economic security, education, health, and family and community, and includes policy solutions. New this year are indicators related to environmental health. (State-, county-, tribal- and school district-level data on child well-being.)
Support the Statewide Public Health and Climate Program, HB 104
Fact Sheet Climate change puts New Mexicans’ health and well-being at risk. We must take action to help our communities adapt and build a healthy future. (State-level data on problems related to climate change.)
Guaranteed Income: Increasing Employment and Helping Families Thrive
Report Research shows that when people are given unrestricted cash payments -- sometimes called guaranteed income (GI) -- they pursue better jobs, complete educational or vocational training, and create stability for their families. This report (available in English and Spanish) looks at how a GI pilot program for immigrant families in New Mexico improved outcomes for participating families. (Programmatic data on well-being for immigrant families.)
Addressing Climate Change to Improve Children’s Health in New Mexico
Report Children are more susceptible to climate change than adults are and exposure to pollutants can cause life-long problems. There is much the state can do to mitigate climate change and to ensure that New Mexicans have the resources needed to recover from extreme climate-related events like wildfires. (State-level data on greenhouse gas emissions, and other climate-change-related issues.)
Advocate’s Guide to the New Mexico State Budget
Advocacy Guide Designed as a companion to A Guide to the New Mexico State Budget, this guide is written for people who are interested in advocating for General Fund monies for operating and programmatic purposes.
A Guide to New Mexico’s Tax System: Executive Summary
Executive Summary The taxes we all pay are how we fund the state’s programs and public services that benefit us collectively. They are how we build our roads, bridges, waterlines, electrical grids, and how we educate our children, advance public health, and uphold our laws. These programs and services form the foundation of our economy, enhance our quality of life, and pay dividends far into the future. (Link to the full Guide to New Mexico's Tax System here)