When the COVID-19 pandemic came to New Mexico in March 2020, we shifted our work focus so we could provide information to New Mexicans about what they could expect from state and federal policies that were enacted in reaction to the pandemic. We also shared pandemic-specific data, when they become available, as well as what that data showed us about child and family well-being in New Mexico.
Our office is closed as we continue to work remotely most of the time. You may contact us through the form on this page.
Reports, Policy Briefs, Fact Sheets & Blogs
- 2022 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book: Promoting Generational Prosperity, our annual data book with some COVID-specific data on child well-being (Jan. 2023)
- 2021 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book: Toward an Equitable Recovery, our annual data book with some COVID-specific data on child well-being (Jan. 2022)
- New Mexico KIDS COUNT Profile: 2020-21 Pandemic Indicators, fact sheet with data from the national KIDS COUNT Data Book (June 2021)
- A Guide to Eligibility for the Third Stimulus Payment (fact sheet; May 2021)
- How the American Rescue Plan will help New Mexico (fact sheet; March 2021)
- 2020 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book: Building on Resilience, our annual data book with some COVID-specific data on child well-being (Feb. 2021)
- Fueling an Equitable Recovery, our policy brief on how the state could advance an economic recovery that takes into account the disparate impacts of the pandemic and its recession (Dec. 2020)
- Tax Policy: A Powerful Tool to Advance Racial Equity in New Mexico, our report on how tax policies have created racial inequities and how these disparities are related to pandemic outcomes (Dec. 2020)
- “How the Affordable Care Act has helped make New Mexico families healthier (part 2),” our blog on how the ACA has benefitted New Mexico, particularly during the pandemic (Dec. 2020)
- 124,000 New Mexicans Could Miss Out on Federal Stimulus Payments (fact sheet; Oct. 2020)
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Well-Being in New Mexico (fact sheet; Sept. 2020)
- Essential but Excluded, our report on how many immigrant families have been left out of the relief packages – and how that will hinder New Mexico’s economy (May 2020)
- “Investing in all New Mexicans will lead us to a quicker, more equitable recovery,” our blog on how lawmakers can forge a path forward by investing in our families (May 2020)
- “When inequity and capitalism meet COVID-19,” our blog on how the pandemic has illuminated our nation’s economic, racial, and ethnic disparities (May 2020)
- How the Federal COVID-19 Response Impacts New Mexico, a series of fact sheets about aid packages passed by Congress (May-July 2020)
- “How New Mexico can use the safety net to respond to COVID-19,” our blog on how the safety net can be improved during this crisis (April 2020)
- “Lawmakers must enact policies to lessen the economic harm of the coronavirus on New Mexico families,” our blog on state policy recommendations to help families impacted by the economic changes (March 2020)
- “Advancing equity in New Mexico: The 2020 Census,” our blog on the U.S. Census and how the pandemic adds another barrier to a complete count (March 2020)
- Find information about COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, test sites, and more from the NM Department of Health.
- Find out from the CDC why it’s still important to get your flu vaccine.
- Find tips about COVID-19 insurance and medical scams from the NM offices of Superintendent of Insurance and Attorney General.
- Find the food bank closest to your community from Roadrunner Food Bank or the NM Association of Food Banks.
- Find information about, and a link to apply for, unemployment insurance benefits from the NM Department of Workforce Solutions.
- Find information about, and a link to apply for, Medicaid health insurance (Centennial Care) at the NM Human Services Department.