

Nov 302024

Let’s Use Childcare Assistance to Lift the Workers Out of Poverty Too

El Semanario--While it’s great to know that the expansion of universal child care has such a dramatic effect on lowering poverty in New Mexico for the children and families who receive the program, there is one significant way in which the CA program falls short: wages for child care and other early care and education (ECE) workers remain unacceptably low. If we can use our CA program to lift kids and families out of poverty, why don’t we use it to lift the people who provide that care out of poverty as well?

Jun 032024

Student op-ed on taxes misses the big picture

New Mexico has already been lowering tax rates for the vast majority of its residents over the past several years. Increased and improved tax credits have returned hundreds of millions of dollars to families over the past few years alone. The state has also lowered the gross receipts tax rate, which benefits us all, including small businesses. And just this past session, lawmakers lowered personal income tax rates for everyone.

May 122024

A Mother’s Day wish: A better future for moms and kids

Santa Fe New Mexican--Our families deserve more than financial survival. We deserve to thrive. Next year, 2025, will be a powerful chapter of our story, 20 years in the future, in which we tell the story of how we made New Mexico the best place to be a kid. We did it by supporting the people who love them most: moms.

Apr 132024

On Tax Day, New Mexicans can be thankful

Santa Fe New Mexican--This Tax Day, we all have much to be thankful for as we consider the bounty of public goods and services that are made possible with our tax dollars. These include a school system, the roads, first responders, our parks, libraries, museums and so much more. This year, we have even more to be thankful for. That’s because in the last few years our state has made the most improvement in the nation in making our tax system more fair, equitable, and racially just.

Mar 262024

New Mexico is Right to Hold Out for Higher Prices for its Most Valuable Commodity

The Paper--New Mexico is a land with many valuable assets – from our rich cultural diversity to our stunning physical beauty, to our mineral wealth. These assets belong to us all and while it’s impossible to put a price on some of them – our culture and natural landscape, to be precise – we can and do put a price on our mineral wealth. And that price needs to be fair so that we are all receiving the benefit of the bounty beneath our feet.

Jan 272024

Move toward a healthier New Mexico

Santa Fe New Mexican--Nothing is more foundational to one’s well-being than one’s health. Lawmakers can help people be and stay healthy by making strong investments in programs that address health threats and inequities.

Oct 122023

Yes to funding sustainable, affordable housing

Santa Fe New Mexican--We support the proposed 3% tax because it’s a fair solution that asks those with plenty to help ensure all Santa Fe families and children have opportunities to thrive in the community they call home. The proposed 3% tax will generate an estimated $6 million per year to support working families in finding homes in Santa Fe, building wealth and raising their children here.

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