Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications2023-06-20T15:24:32-06:00

Racial & Ethnic Equity Publications

Sep 202021

Ending Childhood Food Insecurity in New Mexico

Report New Mexico's childhood food insecurity rate has long been at or near the highest in the nation. The pandemic and resulting recession only made it worse. This updated report looks at why food insecurity is such a problem in New Mexico, how it impacts children and families, and what the state can do about it. (State- and county-level data on food and economic insecurity)

Aug 172021

Eligible but Excluded

Report A follow-up to our Essential but Excluded report, this looks at how Asian/Pacific Islander and African immigrants and refugees are unable to access public benefits for which they are eligible - and not just during the pandemic - due to a pervasive lack of language access at many state agencies. This, despite federal laws requiring such access.

Aug 052021

Health-in-All-Policies for New Mexico

Report Your state of health is dependent on many variables - including where you live, how much you earn, and even how far you went in school. These are called "social determinants of health" and they not only impact your health but they also impact your ability to choose a healthy lifestyle. Everyone's health could be improved if lawmakers took these determinants of health into account when creating public policies. This report offers an overview of the determinants of health as well as the policies that can improve health for all.

Jun 232021

New Mexico’s K-12 Schools: Funding the Education System Our Students Deserve

Policy Brief Despite recent increases in K-12 funding and the ruling in the Yazzie/Martinez lawsuit, New Mexico still fails to adequately invest in the kind of educational system our students deserve. This policy brief looks at the state's K-12 funding landscape, educator shortage, the pandemics' impact, and more. (State-level data on student demographics, proficiencies, and graduation rates)

Jun 212021

New Mexico KIDS COUNT profile: 2021 pandemic indicators

Fact Sheet The national 2021 National KIDS COUNT Data Book uses the most recent data available for its 16 indicators of child well-being. Since this year's report is based mostly on data from 2019, some limited pandemic-era data have been added, including some dsiaggregated by race and ethnicity. (State-level data on six pandemic-related indicators)

Mar 252021

How the American Rescue Plan will help New Mexico

Fact Sheet The American Rescue Plan Act will help New Mexico in a number of ways - income supports, housing and food assistance for families, and education and health care assistance for the state, cities, counties, and Tribes. This fact sheet looks specifically at how children of color - who have been disproportionately harmed by the pandemic - will be helped. (State-level estimates, some by race and ethnicity, on how many people will be impacted)

Feb 112021

Strengthening All Communities for a Brighter Future

Report Immigrants strengthen our communities in many ways - from boosting the economy and the labor force to paying millions in state and local taxes. Still, immigrants are not treated with the equity they deserve. The COVID-19 pandemic has made that more clear than ever. This report looks at the ways in which immigrants contribute, how they were excluded from federal pandemic relief, and what can be done to create a more inclusive state. (State-level data on population demographics and economic and tax contributions)

Feb 082021

Juvenile fines and fees are bad for youth, families, and the state

Fact Sheet Court fines and fees for juveniles are harmful to youth and their families, racially discriminatory, and costly to administer. They can quickly amount to hundreds of dollars, resulting in a significant financial burden for New Mexico families, taking from them some of the very resources they need to invest in their children’s future and purchase food, education, housing, and health insurance.

Feb 032021

2020 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book

NM KIDS COUNT Data Book Child well-being in New Mexico was improving. But then the COVID-19 pandemic and recession struck. This annual report provides data on numerous child well-being indicators housed under four domains (economic security, education, health, and family and community). While we don't know the full extent of the harm COVID-19 has caused our kids, some pandemic-specific data from the fall of 2020 are included. (Data on the state, county, tribal area, and school district levels on child well-being)

Feb 012021

Tobacco taxes support a healthy future for New Mexico

Fact Sheet Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined. One evidence-based way to help youth and those earning low incomes to stop or reduce smoking is to increase tobacco taxes. It also raises some of the funding needed to cover the public health care costs. (State-level data on smoking, death rates, etc.)

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