Feb 10 2023

It’s Time For Corporations To Pay Their Fair Share

2023-02-11T09:23:43-07:00Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet Profit-minded corporations will happily accept tax breaks, but tax rates aren't a big factor when they consider locating in a new state. Most of what they do consider - a well-educated and skilled workforce, modern infrastructure, good schools, etc., - are the very amenities states support with the tax revenue corporations try not to pay. This fact sheet makes the argument for increasing the taxes corporations pay on the profits earned here. (State-level data on decline of corporate income tax revenue as a share of all tax revenue)

Jan 18 2023

2022 New Mexico KIDS COUNT Data Book

2024-01-18T14:52:23-07:00Economic Security Publications, Education Publications, Health Publications, Kids Count Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

NM KIDS COUNT Data Book Given the pandemic, child well-being could have taken a great tumble. But, thanks to smart investments at both the state and federal levels, data from 2021 reflect no significant declines – and even some slight improvement. This annual report provides data on numerous child well-being indicators related to economic security, education, health, and family and community, and includes policy solutions. (State-, county-, tribal- and school district-level data on child well-being.)

Jan 16 2023

Increasing the state Child Tax Credit will help New Mexico kids thrive

2024-03-19T15:02:15-06:00Economic Security Publications, Education Publications, Health Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Updated Fact Sheet New Mexico's new state-level CTC is a great start at helping children thrive. Lawmakers should use the legislative session to make a few improvements. (State-level data on how increasing this tax credit would benefit families)

Oct 05 2022

Federal Student Loan Debt Relief and New Mexico Students and Grads

2022-10-05T11:40:09-06:00Economic Security Publications, Education Publications, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications|

Policy Brief President Biden’s plan to provide federal student loan debt relief to millions of borrowers is popular – but it’s also a bit complicated. This short policy brief explains what the plan does, who is eligible, and how to apply. There’s even information on changes to Income-Driven Repayment plans and a calendar of deadlines for applications.

Jul 27 2022

Art as an Alternative

2023-03-16T15:42:30-06:00Health Publications, Human Rights/Civic Participation Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications|

Report Given that so many youth within the state’s juvenile system have faced multiple adverse childhood experiences, any effective rehabilitation efforts must address their long-term impacts. This report looks at how informal diversion programs based on the arts can help youth dealing with ACEs and save the state money. (State-level data on the juvenile system.)

Jun 08 2022

New Mexico is Putting Families First in Tax Policy

2022-08-08T11:26:28-06:00Economic Security Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet Our state’s policy makers made a number of improvements to the tax code since 2019 that will help low- and middle-income New Mexicans, improve equity, and increase economic opportunity for our working families. (State-level data on how recent tax changes will benefit families)

Feb 11 2022

A new state Child Tax Credit would create opportunities for all New Mexico kids to thrive

2022-02-15T17:26:17-07:00Economic Security Publications, Education Publications, Health Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Fact Sheet Many families are still hurting from the pandemic recession. A new state-level Child Tax Credit would help hard-working families and grandparents raising grandchildren, and make our tax system more fair. (State-level data on how this tax credit would benefit families)

Nov 03 2021

Supporting Parents and Newborns for a Healthier New Mexico

2021-11-03T13:34:44-06:00Health Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications|

Fact Sheet In New Mexico, new mothers whose births were covered by Medicaid are only eligible to receive health care for another two months. This is particularly problematic for mothers and babies of color, who are more likely to have postpartum health issues. Find out how lawmakers can make our health care system more equitable. (State-level data on maternal death rates by race and ethnicity)

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