Aug 07 2020

Governing with moxie

2024-04-03T16:54:14-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage|

Searchlight NM--In 2004, Lujan Grisham became health secretary for then-Gov. Bill Richardson. James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, remembers her well. He served as secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration before becoming Richardson’s chief of staff. “She was kind of a pain, but only in the sense that she was a terrific advocate and didn’t want to let go until she knew that she absolutely had to,” Jimenez said.

Jun 19 2020

New Mexico DACA Recipients Get Reprieve, For Now

2024-04-02T13:11:11-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

Public News Service--James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, says the congressional impasse over a comprehensive immigration bill left approximately 6,000 New Mexico DACA recipients in limbo. "The main reason we have DACA is because of the failure of the Congress to be able to pass meaningful immigration reform, which is really putting families in a very challenging, very harmful position," he states.

Jun 19 2020

SCOTUS DACA decision will help 5,800 New Mexico DACA recipients

2024-04-03T16:56:29-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

NM Political Report--Trump sought to end the program by questioning whether former President Barack Obama had overstepped his authority by creating the program through executive order. James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, called Trump’s efforts ironic. “The irony is that the Trump administration never misses an opportunity to claim no limits to what the president can do,” Jimenez said.

Jun 18 2020

NM delegation, advocates hail court’s DACA ruling

2024-04-02T13:12:54-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

Albuquerque Journal--“The fight to end this program that has allowed me to make my dreams come true is rooted in racism and xenophobia.” She urged lawmakers to come up with a permanent solution. And James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, said DACA “is not a path to citizenship, and making it one must be our goal moving forward.”

Jun 14 2020

Social sea change only comes when demanded

2024-04-02T13:15:10-06:00Blog Posts, Human Rights/Civic Participation Blog, Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity Blog, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

Rio Rancho Observer--Like all great social upheaval, change will not occur until it is demanded. Those in power must see that fundamental reform is the only way they can keep their power and that, if they resist, they will be replaced. That means getting angry and channeling the anger constructively. It means taking to the streets and protesting peacefully. And most of all, it means voting. Voting for candidates who are committed to dismantling structural racism in all our institutions.

Jun 03 2020

New Mexico Senate leaders lose primary bid amid liberal push

2024-04-02T13:15:47-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Tax and Budget News Coverage|

Associated Press--“Big power shifts like this don’t happen very often, and when they do, they can result in significant changes in the priorities of a legislative body,” said James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, an advocacy group for improving childhood well-being.

Mar 25 2020

We Can Prevent Neglect, Child Abuse by Working ‘Upstream’

2024-04-02T13:29:08-06:00Economic Security News Coverage, Health News Coverage, Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage|

Youth Today--For the most part, I found New Mexico’s social workers to be kind, strong individuals. It also seemed evident that they are being asked to do one of the most difficult jobs in state government. Helping to decide the fate of children is no small matter, and even the best-intentioned decisions can go terribly wrong. 

Jan 29 2020

Census funding bill heads to House Committee

2024-04-02T13:35:48-06:00Education News Coverage, Health News Coverage, Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Tax and Budget News Coverage|

Ruidoso News--“Ensuring an accurate census count is crucial for improving child well-being in our state because so much of the funding for health, education, and food security programs that New Mexico kids depend upon is determined by the census,” said Amber Wallin, deputy director of New Mexico Voices for Children.

Jul 25 2019

Progress report: Albuquerque neighborhood among many tricky for 2020 census in NM

2024-04-03T17:01:58-06:00Human Rights/Civic Participation News Coverage, News Coverage, Racial and Ethnic Equity News Coverage|

Searchlight NM--“The big challenges in those areas are connecting to the folks who we know are likely to be undercounted,” said Amber Wallin, deputy director of New Mexico Voices for Children. “So people who may be poor or housing-insecure can be a real challenge in those areas, especially in communities that are changing.”

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