Racial & Ethnic Equity Blog
Fighting the current: Why New Mexicans need a higher minimum wage
A minimum wage increase is long overdue – it hasn’t been raised in almost a decade. As prices increase, purchasing power erodes, and families find themselves sinking deeper into dire straits. Our $7.50 minimum wage is now worth just $6.30.
On Father’s Day and every day, families belong together
As a recent college graduate returning to my home state after four years, I feel grateful to be able to celebrate Father’s Day with my family this summer. We devote time every year to celebrate our parents and all that they do for us because, as Americans, we value family. But this Father’s Day, I cannot help but think about the current immigration policies that are tearing young children away from their moms and dads and ignoring the importance of family.
Our public lands must reflect the diversity of our people
While all Americans should feel welcome to enjoy our nation’s natural and cultural treasures, data show that racial and ethnic groups are less likely to view our national parks as part of their heritage and birthright as Americans. This makes them less likely to visit these places. There are many reasons for this, including a lack of racial and ethnic diversity within the NPS staff.
President’s monuments legacy about more than conserving pristine public lands
Besides being a champion of conservation, President Obama has used the Antiquities Act to celebrate important American stories and preserve their birthplaces for future generations. By preserving the epicenters where critical turning points in our nation’s history were made—many of them driven by the need to right societal wrongs―we are commemorating the tapestry that is America and telling the story of the richness and diversity of our country.
How closing economic disparities for racial/ethnic minorities will benefit all
As our nation’s racial demographics change we must take steps to close the opportunity gap if we are to keep our economy strong and keep the American dream viable.
Our changing—and highly vulnerable—future workforce
When the national KIDS COUNT Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children report was released earlier this month it was as if the proverbial other shoe had dropped. The first shoe that fell was New Mexico being ranked dead last in the nation in terms of child well-being. Now, Race for Results presents us with a first-ever, state-level index of racial/ethnic equity for children that shows New Mexico is also failing to provide equitable opportunities for ALL of our children to succeed at key developmental stages of life.
Immigration legislation does not take children into account
Would we all do everything in our power to ensure that our children are safe and lovingly cared for? In theory the answer is yes, but legislation that is being passed across the country is making that nearly impossible. When you encounter all of the rhetoric around the immigration issue, take a moment to think about the children.
Reflections on My Trip to Memphis
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to take part in an exploration of equity and justice. I recently spent a week in Memphis at the Voices for America’s Children National Forum. You always wonder if leaving town to attend a conference is going to be worth putting your day-to-day workload on hold for a week.