January 29, 2020

Contact: Isaac De Luna | 505.917.5501 |

Santa Fe, N.M.– Today, the New Mexico Senate approved Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) – an $8 million appropriation to fund 2020 Census education and outreach efforts statewide to ensure an accurate population count.

The following are reactions from census advocates across New Mexico:

“The 2020 Census represents an opportunity to make sure we create a strong foundation for a prosperous New Mexico now and for the future,” said Oriana Sandoval, executive director of the Center for Civic Policy. “Today’s Senate approval of SB 4 augments the support for the Census efforts that are already underway. These funds will ensure every New Mexican gets counted so our families and children receive their fair share of federal funding they need and deserve for the next 10 years.”

“Ensuring an accurate census count is crucial for improving child well-being in our state because so much of the funding for health, education, and food security programs that New Mexico kids depend upon is determined by the census,” said Amber Wallin, deputy director of New Mexico Voices for Children. “One of the most important things our state can do to address child well-being is ensure that this legislation is passed and signed.”

“We only get one chance, very ten years, to get an accurate count of every person living in New Mexico,” said Felipe Rodriguez, campaign manager for the NM Dream Team. “With the 2020 Census being less than 2 months away, we commend the Senate for prioritizing the approval of much-needed funding to carry out census education and outreach programs statewide. By counting every person living in the state, we are securing billions in federal funding that will go directly to the schools, hospitals, and roads in all of our communities.” 

“The Census is not just about making sure that everyone is counted, it is a process that will shape the conditions for our communities and state for the next decade,” said Allex Luna, community organizer with NM CAFé. “Today we applaud the Senate for approving SB4, making sure the needs of rural communities across New Mexico are seen and heard by funding outreach efforts to motivate every New Mexican to participate in the 2020 Census”.

SB 4 now heads to the House Appropriations & Finance Committee before heading to the House floor for final approval. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Burt, Sen. Stefanics and Rep. Herrera.

Beginning mid March, every New Mexican household will receive an invitation via mail to fill out the 2020 Census. The census form can be filled out online, on paper, or by phone. 

April 1st is National Census Day.

For a more in-depth analysis of NM’s risk of an undercount during the 2020 Census and how the NM Legislature plays a key role in ensuring New Mexicans receive their fair share of federal funding click here.
