Immigrant advocacy organizations prep to ask the state for long-term funding
By Evan Chandler, Santa Fe Reporter
Dec. 12, 2023
New Mexico should fund a long-term guaranteed basic income program to help immigrant families, advocacy groups said Tuesday as they gathered at the Roundhouse to present research about a pilot program funded with philanthropic dollars that improved outcomes for participants in food, housing security and health.
After receiving guaranteed income checks for a year, families reported a 35% decrease in trouble paying rent or mortgage on time. The study also found a 9% decrease in participants who had to reduce or forego expenses for basic household necessities, such as medicine or food, in order to meet housing expenses.
The groups EL CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos; NM CAFé; NM Voices for Children; Partnership for Community Action; and Somos Un Pueblo Unido, which constitute the NM Economic Relief Working Group, collaborated with Oakland-based nonprofit organization UpTogether to design and implement the 18-month program that put out over $2 million.
Read more at the Santa Fe Reporter