By Roz Brown, Public News Service – NM
June 22, 2020
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A yearly report that looks at indicators of child well-being shows New Mexico in last place among the 50 states, but there is some good news. Improvement was noted in more than half the categories tracked by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The group’s “Kids Count Data Book” looks at economic, education, and health issues, and others related to children’s well-being and family stability. James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, said the last-place ranking is disappointing, but the overall improvement in 10 of the 16 indicators is encouraging.
“So that’s a positive thing – not as much as we’d like, and maybe some other states are improving more than we are, but at the same time, at least 10 of those indicators moved in the right direction,” Jimenez said.
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