Letters to the Editor, Santa Fe New Mexican
Sept. 28, 2018
More natural gas is wasted on public lands in New Mexico than in any other state in the nation – as a children’s advocate, that means something to me because New Mexico’s students are missing out on more funding from lost taxpayer-owned energy than kids in almost any other state (“Trump rolls back pollution rules for drilling on U.S. lands,” Sept. 18).
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s decision to gut the Bureau of Land Management methane waste rule means our state will lose out on millions of dollars in royalty revenue that is desperately needed to fund our schools. It makes no sense to waste our resources and tax dollars, especially when it puts our kids’ education on the line. New Mexico’s kids need leaders who will stand up to waste and defend their right to a good education.
James Jimenez
executive director
New Mexico Voices for Children